Boofing Alcohol – The Risks of Alcohol Enemas

Boofing is the act of anal-inserting alcohol through the rectum. It is also known as the butt chug, booty bumping, and booty beer. It is often associated with fraternities and college-aged men.

Technically, this is little more than people giving themselves or others alcohol enemas.

Keep reading to discover why people would choose such a route, and to discover the risks of alcohol overdose and other concerns that come along with this method.

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Why would someone take an alcohol enema?

It’s not always clear why someone would engage in giving themselves an alcohol enema, but there are a few reasons and some theories behind it. One theory is that the boofed alcohol reaches the bloodstream faster through an orifice other than the mouth.

This may seem strange to some, but it does make sense: when you drink alcohol through your mouth, about 20 percent is absorbed by the stomach and another 80 percent travels through the small intestine before reaching the bloodstream.

Alcohol poisoning can happen when a person opts to take the substance like this, since there’s little control over how much the body can take.

Metabolism and the Onset of Alcoholic Beverages

Once it gets there, about 50 percent of that alcohol is metabolized by the liver before the remaining 50 percent enters the general blood circulation. This can take a long time—and depends on how much you’ve consumed.

Drinking can result in a lot of uncomfortable feelings while the effects wear off—so in theory, the act of butt chugging could result in getting drunk faster.

The same amount of alcohol taken anally could cause faster and more irreparable damage to the body if taken anally.

What happens to the human body when boofing alcohol?

It is true that alcohol can be absorbed more quickly through the stomach than through digestion alone due to a phenomenon known as first-pass metabolism—that is, some of alcohol’s breakdown occurs before it ever reaches the small intestine.

This is why drinking an alcoholic beverage on an empty stomach will cause its effects to be felt more quickly than they would otherwise be.

Alcohol enemas simply ensure that alcohol bypasses the systems in place that slow down and protect the speed and potency with which we tend to feel the effects of consumption.

In general, alcohol enemas represent a much more potent option. The inhalation of alcohol into the rectum and colon allows alcohol to bypass the normal digestive system and the liver during absorption, allowing for quicker intoxication.

Also, because it enters through the rectum, it doesn’t make its way into the bloodstream, where the liver can process it.

Can boofing alcohol lead to alcohol poisoning?

alcohol poisoning

While this method can result in quick intoxication, there are risks involved every single time someone decides to boof alcohol.

Because the alcohol is entering directly into your bloodstream without being metabolized by your liver, you could end up drinking alcohol in much more significant amounts than you intended without realizing it.

Because of how quickly you can become intoxicated, you will also be much less aware of how drunk you are getting and may not be able to stop yourself from drinking more than you should.

What is the Main Risk of Boofing Your ETOH?

Overall there are three main dangers and risks associated with the act in and of itself.

1) Damage to the rectum and intestines – The human body is a miraculously designed system. One that works incredibly well when not exposed to trauma and unexpected or unintended experiences. To put it simply, the potential trauma associated with experiencing an alcohol enema is serious and has severe implications.

On the lowest end of the spectrum of what may go wrong, there’s the risk of abrasions and tearing of the muscles and tissues of the rectum. This can affect the normal operation of your typical bowel movement as well as can be painful and possibly become infected.

Rolling the Dice with Your Health

There are implications on this for those who engage with anal sex as well as this potential damage can not only make that act much more painful but can introduce the risk of a whole new level of potential infection.

There can be an obstruction of blood flow and danger to the proper functioning of the blood vessels in the area as well as potentially cellular death. In the most severe of cases, there may be the need for a colostomy, which is a fairly serious surgical procedure.

Additional Risks of ETOH Enemas

2) Increased Risk of STIs – Repeated butt chugging can severely damage the mucus membrane in that area. This can membrane in and of itself offers some protection against STIs. The potential damage experienced can wear this membrane down and thus reduce the protection naturally offered.

3) Greater alcohol poisoning and overdose risk – This is perhaps the greatest and most life threatening risk associated with butt chugging. We’ve discussed at length how this method of ingesting alcohol brings with it a whole host of risks.

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The Rising Risks of Alcohol Overdose

Specifically, because you bypass the digestive tract, not only do you face the same risks associated with alcohol consumption, to begin with, but you face a whole new host of risks.

Among them is the potentially fatally toxic blood alcohol concentration and blood alcohol level that one might fall prey to while boofing.

These levels can easily lead to alcohol poisoning. This act allows alcohol to bypass the normal digestive system, introducing the potential to get drunk faster and more potently.

The invisible enemy of alcohol abuse

Aside from the obvious risk of suffering an overdose, one of the largest dangers of consuming alcohol through the rectum lies in the potential impact on behavioral health and addiction. We know that the experience of boofing is much more intense than consuming alcoholic beverages orally.

Because of this, the consumption of alcohol in this manner represents a much more potent gateway into substance abuse disorder than simply consuming alcoholic drinks in a typical manner.

Alcohol abuse is one of the biggest challenges people face in the world today. The health risks are manifold and can include many adverse issues in both the short and long term.

In the short term, excessive use can result in motor-vehicular accidents, violence, injury, and alcohol poisoning, and social issues such as broken relationships.

Alcohol Use Disorders and Their Implications

In the long term, however, we start to see much larger health risks being taken. Persons excessively consuming alcohol put themselves at risk of various types of heart disease and cancers.

Alcoholism results in a weaker immune system generally, putting persons at risk for a multitude of other illnesses that can then wreak havoc on your overall health.

People with alcoholism also experience learning and memory problems, including a greater risk of dementia. They also typically have much higher rates of poor relationships, social issues, and mental health issues like depression and anxiety.

Regardless of if you’re talking about short or long term risk factors, almost all of these require the intervention of emergency medicine services and treatment to save lives.

Treatment Options for Alcohol addiction

What Is Moral Reconation Therapy

Whether it’s drinking alcohol or using alcohol enemas, the truth is that alcohol consumption has the potential to spiral out of control into a full-blown substance abuse disorder. This is where addiction treatment comes into play.

Accredited drug and alcohol treatment centers such as our setting at Emerald Isle Health and Recovery can help a person overcome their issues through long-term therapy and support mechanisms.

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Find Your Recovery from Alcohol at Emerald Isle

Attending rehabilitation is a crucial part of the recovery process in addiction treatment and improving their behavioral health to a satisfactory level. The physical, mental and emotional problems that come along with alcoholism will not be resolved simply by cutting down on or stopping consumption.

Many with an alcohol use disorder who try to cut back on their drinking find that their dependency has grown to the point where it’s difficult to stop consuming alcohol altogether.

At Emerald Isle Health & Recovery, our programs provide the necessary tools and support to allow clients to recover safely, no matter the severity of your issues or past attempts at seeking help. Our track record of satisfied clients speaks volumes about the effectiveness of our practices.

If you or a loved one are struggling with an alcohol use disorder, whether it involves boofing or not, reach out to our warm and welcoming Admissions team now!