While kratom may be sold without fear of prosecution in the United States, this does not mean it is without risk. The data suggests it may be addicting. Kratom is marketed as a safe alternative to opiates (like oxycodone) for relieving pain and a valuable tool for overcoming addiction by some who sell kratom products, but this is not the whole story at all.
Authorities have compared the effects of abusing Kratom to those of opioids, and the drug has been called hazardous and unregulated for sale on the internet. Recently, we’ve been seeing more cases of addiction treatment for kratom and have developed effective programs that help treat its debilitating withdrawal symptoms.
Keep reading to find out more regarding kratom addiction treatment and why Emerald Isle is a top destination for those seeking relief from its grasp!
What Is Kratom?
Table of Contents
The DEA (Drug Enforcement Administration) is currently seeking to classify kratom, which is derived from a tree in Southeast Asia, alongside harder substances like heroin. They warn that chronic kratom usage can be addictive, citing a Thai study of suspected kratom addicts. According to the study, those who were dependent on the plant chewed it regularly for an average of 18 years. This is likely because it interacts with opioid receptors similar to heroin and oxycodone and causes symptoms similar to opioid addiction.
Studies by licensed medical professionals of long-term kratom usage and drug addiction have found that it causes users to lose weight, become anorexic, darken their complexion, have trouble sleeping, and experience digestive issues. Thai kratom research highlights withdrawal symptoms such as irritability and violence, a runny nose, pains, and jerky muscle movements. The DEA highlighted many incidents of kratom psychosis, which included hallucinations, disorientation, and delusions – all symptoms that could require addiction treatment. Thailand has just implemented a ban on recreational substances.
Kratom leaves are harvested from the mitragyna speciose tree, a tropical evergreen found only in Southeast Asia. For almost a century, it has been used as an opiate replacement in alternative medicine. Those who use it claim it helps them stop using opioids, helping them to avoid addiction treatment programs. The primary reason for ingesting the herb is to help them avoid opioid withdrawal symptoms. But is this the best course of action?
24 Hour Kratom Addiction Hotline
Kratom Addiction
One person may sense an opioid-like effect from kratom, while another may experience a stimulating effect. The Drug Enforcement Administration initially planned to prohibit Kratom sales by placing it in Schedule 1 but has now chosen to postpone that action. Instead, it has included kratom, DXM, and salvia on its list of “drugs of concern” for 2017. The FDA has a standing statement warning the public against taking kratom.
The FDA has publicly supported the DEA’s enforcement efforts, has issued many warnings about the substance’s hazards, and pinpointed 44 fatalities in the United States attributable to its usage since 2011.
If you think you have a kratom addiction, you should get assistance. Loss of libido, skin darkening, weight loss, and loss of muscle tone are all symptoms of addiction, as are sleep disturbances and irritability. It’s in your best interest to investigate the many possibilities available to you v choose which one will work best for you.
Kratom Addiction Treatment
There isn’t much data on kratom’s effects in the U.S., but what there is suggests it’s highly addictive and has many of the same properties as opioids. Developing a dependency or addiction to kratom is the most serious long-term consequence of using or becoming dependent on this drug. Substances inside kratom concentrate can stimulate opiate receptors in the brain, decreasing the severity of withdrawal from opioids like heroin and oxycodone.
Because of the potential for physical dependency, there’s a high chance that those who detox from kratom experience withdrawal. It’s essential to be aware of the kratom withdrawal timeline if you have an abuse problem to know this phase of a Kratom detox to help ease the discomfort. Support from others is also essential to what you’re up against.
The Kratom Withdrawal Timeline
The Initial 24 Hours
However, kratom’s euphoric and calming effects are short-lived, and users typically report experiencing anxiety or despair upon coming down from their high. To overcome an addiction, one must resist the temptation to seek out the high felt previously. Taking more of the substance is rationalized to stave off the negative feelings associated with withdrawal.
Begin Withdrawal (Days 2 – 3)
The first withdrawal symptoms usually appear within 12 hours following the last dose. These are some of the most common signs during this period:
- Muscle soreness and joint discomfort
- Irritability, stress, and sleeplessness
- Intense sweating and watery eyes
- Restless legs
At this point in a Kratom detox, the individual may also experience intense desires to resume use. The chances of dehydration are high because of the extreme sweating and diarrhea users experience.
The Peak Period
After the initial symptoms, the peak symptoms will emerge (Days 3 – 5). Peak withdrawal symptoms can range from a few days to a week, which is the most challenging portion of the withdrawal process. It is critical to get support to prevent falling back into old habits and maintain momentum toward recovery.
The Final Stage
(Around day 6 or 7). After about a week, you should start feeling better, but you may still have minor symptoms. These secondary effects might last an additional week or two after the main effects have worn off, depending on factors including how often you used them and your body chemistry. The duration of milder symptoms, as reported by The Journal of Opioid Management, decreases with decreasing severity of the initial symptoms.
After Effects
(After 7 – 10 days). Some less severe withdrawal symptoms from Kratom might last for months or even years, even after the more severe withdrawal symptoms have passed. There are several symptoms that may linger for a while:
- Depression
- Changes in mood
- Sleeplessness and exhaustion
- Mild cravings
Because of the severity and duration of these symptoms, continued addiction treatment or counseling is encouraged. Having access to expert care for these random withdrawal symptoms is crucial for preventing the chances of a relapse. Group sessions like NA are sufficient for providing help during the latter stages of recovery.
In most cases, enrolling in an addiction treatment program is the most effective way for kratom users to break their habits. Those with substance abuse issues can get the help they need in rehab, where they can participate in a variety of therapeutic group sessions, one-on-one counseling sessions, and other effective and educational activities.
The Best Options for Kratom Rehab
A person with a kratom dependency can receive comprehensive care in a rehabilitation center. Rehabs such as Emerald Isle that specialize in treating kratom addiction treat the full person, not just the symptoms. By doing so, people are able to identify and cope with the mental health issues that may have been contributing factors to their substance use disorder.
These types of rehab may also be known as dual diagnosis or holistic treatment centers, depending on their specific therapy form. Holistic rehabs tend to offer additional spiritual healing exercises, while dual diagnosis stays more focused on traditional methods of remedying behavioral health issues and substance abuse challenges.
Potential options for drug abuse treatment include:
- Inpatient or Residential Facilities
- Partial Hospitalization
- Outpatient
- Intensive Outpatient
- Half-way houses
You may be hesitant to admit that you have a kratom problem and wonder if rehab is necessary. However, it is important to remember that anyone struggling with drug dependence may benefit immensely from professional help.
24 Hour Kratom Treatment Help
A Program of Care Based on a Client’s Specific Needs
Since each client and addiction is different, so too must be their therapy. Finding the correct treatment program is crucial if you or a loved one is struggling with a kratom abuse issue.
People in kratom treatment might not all depend on the same substance, but they’ll have access to the same services. However, how these services are crafted and administered differentiates each person’s experience.
Inpatient Treatment for Kratom Addiction
Inpatient treatment centers are often the most beneficial setting for those struggling with addiction to kratom or other substances. In these settings, they’re isolated from the triggers that once made them turn toward kratom abuse, giving them a much greater chance of completing detox and treatment.
Depending on the client’s needs, inpatient rehabilitation (or residential therapy) can be either a short- or long-term program.
The advantages of inpatient treatment for kratom dependence include:
- Most inpatient treatment centers start their patients off with a medically supervised detox. Since all of the services are located under one roof, patients may go quickly and easily through their care. The personnel at an inpatient rehabilitation center may focus on learning as much as possible about the patient’s physical and mental health to devise the most effective treatment strategy possible.
- Those with a kratom addiction can remove themselves from triggers by checking into an inpatient treatment facility. People with substance use problems often have similar triggers, such as stressful situations or being in the company of specific individuals. An individual’s chances of successful recovery may improve if they are removed from this setting.
- Psychotherapy – Most residential treatment centers include a variety of psychotherapy services to help people overcome their kratom and other drug use issues. Individualized psychotherapy aids not just in healing while a patient is at the facility but also in post-treatment situations.
Outpatient Services for Kratom Addiction
Outpatient treatment centers are another choice for those who are dependent on kratom. Clients in outpatient treatment for kratom addiction or dependency might continue living at home and working while making daily trips to a clinic.
Due to the perceived financial burden of inpatient treatment for kratom addiction, some people may choose outpatient programs instead. However, it is crucial to note that many insurance programs cover all or most of the fees involved with inpatient rehab.
Inpatient therapy is more intensive than outpatient care and may improve patients’ chances of making a full recovery. The degree of dependency on kratom can determine whether inpatient or outpatient treatment is necessary.
Cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) is one form of therapy that is typically offered in outpatient clinics. In CBT, you will examine the beliefs and actions that contributed to your kratom addiction. Other forms of treatment, such as family therapy and crisis management, may also be incorporated into your treatment plan to help you recover.
Creating a Treatment Plan
At Emerald Isle, we are firm believers that a comprehensive treatment plan is the first step toward lasting recovery. That’s why we take a holistic approach to drug rehabilitation by providing a series of treatments that build upon one another. We offer everything you need to get you started on the most effective program for you.
First and foremost, you need to get into a medical detox program. To ensure you’re secure and comfortable throughout this challenging but crucial drug treatment phase, our rehab center has a dedicated area for medically assisted detox.
Treatment for drug abuse in a residential setting features compassionate care and tight supervision. In residential therapy, our trained professionals will tailor a treatment program to each patient, combining a wide range of therapeutic approaches with constant monitoring.
Partial Hospitalization
Stability under a reduced hospitalization and observation level is the Partial Hospitalization Program (PHP) goal. As with our Residential Treatment program, you will have access to our 24-hour nursing team for continued care, but this time you will be under less close observation because you’ll continue to reside at home.
Sober Living Homes
Certain rehab facilities offer sober living homes for individuals to transition into post-treatment. These are temporary homes for clients who wish to gain employment and get used to a normal way of living before being on their own completely.
Progressing through a program similar to the one described above is all about making advances in stages, using small steps to promote successful recovery. Instead of making one huge change, several small steps are enacted to retrain the mind and body for a life without substance abuse.
The next phase of treatment is called “aftercare,” which includes helping the client make plans for long-term sobriety and maintaining contact with aftercare services like therapy and counseling. The importance of aftercare in substance abuse treatment cannot be overstated.
The Potential for Dual Diagnosis
Dependence on kratom or any other drug seldom happens without any driving factor; normally, it is driven by underlying social and psychological issues. Someone seeking out kratom for self-medication may, for instance, be dealing with underlying anxiety difficulties.
Because of this, it is crucial to choose a rehabilitation center that can provide a dual diagnosis and many treatment alternatives. When dealing with a person who has a dual diagnosis, not only is the addiction itself addressed, but also any underlying mental health issues.
Even the aftercare plans are catered to accommodate someone with a dual diagnosis. Treatment for co-occurring disorders aims to maximize a person’s chances of long-term sobriety following rehabilitation.
Emerald Isle Health and Recovery for Kratom Treatment
You’ll probably have withdrawal symptoms no matter which path you take. Kratom withdrawal symptoms might include diarrhea, muscle soreness, tremors and jerks, restlessness, insomnia, severe depression, panic, mood changes, and irritability, and they can be comparable to those of opiates.
Our doctors and nurses assist initially to help you overcome the challenges of withdrawal during kratom addiction treatment. Clients are monitored constantly, ensuring no further challenges arise during detox.
Medication is provided to make clients more comfortable during the detoxification process, and a special diet to help maintain a healthy physical condition. After transitioning to inpatient treatment, we work with you constantly, up until the day you exit and beyond.
Our experts create an aftercare strategy for further therapy as part of the kratom addiction treatment. Meetings for those who are struggling with addiction are sometimes held at local hospitals, houses of worship, and community centers. If you want your progress in recovery to endure a lifetime, our experts can create an individualized plan for aftercare services.
Immediate Placement for Kratom Treatment
Reach out Now to Start Your Recovery from Kratom
Although recovering from substance abuse disorder might be challenging, it is achievable. To achieve lasting sobriety, getting care at a reputable facility is necessary. Emerald Isle Health and Recovery is one of the leading facilities in the country, and can help you work your way through kratom addiction treatment.
Our team has extensive training and expertise in treating and managing drug abuse disorders and mental health challenges. Our medical staff, including physicians, psychiatrists, therapists, nurses, and mental health counselors, are committed to ensuring you receive the care you need to achieve a full and lasting recovery.
Contact a member of our admissions team today for more information regarding our services.