Mental health is a core part of life in the modern world. Unfortunately, it’s only recently people have come to realize how vital mental health really is. How does one deal with mental health issues? A mental health rehab center can offer some help, depending on the condition.

What is a mental health rehab facility?

A mental health rehab facility is where people who suffer from mental illnesses can get the treatment and support they need. Treatment may include behavioral therapy, medication, and other activities such as group therapy, art therapy, music therapy, and more. Mental health centers can vary in their approach to treatment, but they all aim to help patients develop coping skills so they can live more independently. Generally, a high-quality facility provides holistic care, including medical treatment, counseling, social services, and more.

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Who benefits from a mental health rehab?

In the United States, over 17.5 million people are dealing with some form of mental disorder. Millions of people go through the struggles of living with a mental illness every month. These disorders can be dealt with by receiving proper treatment from a mental health facility. A person who goes to a mental health center may be more successful in life when they can overcome the illness that has been holding them back for so long.

Many different people benefit from mental health rehab facilities. Sometimes the best care is provided by a facility specializing in a specific type of treatment or disorder. For example, an eating disorder clinic will be able to offer the specialized and comprehensive care needs of someone with an eating disorder. The most common conditions treated in rehab facilities include depression, anxiety, addiction, post-traumatic stress disorder, and eating disorders.

What is an adult inpatient rehab for mental health?

Adult inpatient rehab for mental health

Inpatient rehab for mental health is a step-by-step program that offers patients the chance to learn how to manage their illness. Patients are provided various types of therapy and counseling to help them improve their quality of life. These facilities can also include medication management treatment and family support services.

There are innumerable benefits to an inpatient treatment program. Some of the more pronounced or notable ones include:

  • A safe environment where patients can receive the care they need without the distractions of everyday life. It is important to note that aside from distractions, environmental factors may be negatively impacting the client’s mental health. So, being in a safe space away from it can allow for more precise identification and treatment of issues.
  • The opportunity to participate in group therapy or one-on-one counseling sessions, depending on the needs of each patient.
  • A structured plan includes goals and objectives and treatment plans tailored to each patient’s needs. In an excellent mental health facility, they will holistically address patient needs. The truth is that no single treatment or aspect of life will heal most mental health struggles on its own. This is where holistic therapies can be highly effective at facilitating recovery.
  • Family support services, so loved ones can get involved in helping their loved one recover from addiction or mental health issues. If environmental problems cause a mental health spiral for the client, getting the family involved in the recovery process is helpful if they are willing and open to it. The truth is that a ready family can be an excellent support system post-treatment, and group or family therapy sessions and even education sessions where the family gets support by being informed about the nuances of what their loved one is suffering from can be highly beneficial to long-term recovery and stability.

Signs you may want to consider treatment at a mental health rehab.

Mental illness is an issue that affects all facets of one’s life, and it can be interpreted in many different ways. The most common signs that indicate you may need help with your mental health issues include difficulty with relationships, inability to cope with life’s stresses, and problems at work. If you are experiencing any of the following, consider seeking treatment at a mental health rehab:

  • You feel habitually angry or resentful towards others without clearly articulating why.
  • You have trouble controlling your emotions even when there is no immediately identifiable cause for your feelings.
  • You experience swinging moods from extremely high to extremely low. You feel like you don’t have control over your emotions, and it isn’t easy to rebalance yourself.
  • Your significant other or loved ones have expressed concern about your behaviors or attitude changes.
  • You are experiencing suicidal thoughts. Suppose you notice that you have habitual or regular thoughts about ending your life. In that case, you are experiencing what is known as “suicidal ideation” and are in definite need of mental health treatment and should urgently seek it.
  • You are experiencing excessive body pains despite not being active or exerting yourself; you find yourself not getting out of bed or feeling exhausted despite technically being asleep for a healthy amount of hours.

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The core features of a high-quality mental health rehab

Several markers help identify a high-quality mental health rehabilitation facility. When considering a place to get treatment for yourself or your loved one, you should keep these things in mind. They serve as trustable indicators that a facility can be trusted with its treatment.

  • Reputable: Let’s start here. Have you ever heard the saying “Their reputation precedes them”? Essentially it means that they have a widespread and trackable reputation. Usually, it’s used in a positive light. An excellent mental health rehabilitation will often have good testimonials from people they have helped. You will usually also be able to find reliable information about people’s experiences with them on the internet. If you’re having trouble finding anyone who has had a successful recovery or treatment either in-person or on the internet, that usually should be taken as grounds for concern.
  • Certified/Qualified Staff: Next up are the healthcare professionals. An excellent mental health rehab facility would have therapists and other healthcare professionals accredited, certified, or otherwise qualified to perform the treatments they purport to as part of their services. This is a non-negotiable condition. A good facility would not only offer you this information when asked but would usually indicate somewhere in their literature or website that their professionals are all appropriately qualified. This is because a good facility understands that this is a critical factor and component of effective healthcare. Mental illness is a delicate and complex thing to treat. Do not put your or your loved ones’ health in the hands of someone without knowing that they have received the proper training and approval to do so effectively.
  • Relevant Programs: More something to generally be aware of and less a sign of a high-quality rehab facility, knowing precisely what treatments and programs are offered at the specific facility you are considering is deeply important. This can vary widely and depends on your own particular needs, wants, and conditions being sought assistance with. A good facility will generally use evidence-based approaches that have been studied, peer-reviewed, and time-tested to be effective.

Inpatient mental health programs vs. outpatient mental health programs

Inpatient programs vs outpatient Programs

There are many different types of mental health treatment programs, and it’s essential to understand what you’re dealing with when you seek help. For example, inpatient and outpatient programs are VERY different from each other, and it’s an important distinction to make when deciding which type of treatment is best for you or your loved one.

Inpatient mental health treatment programs are more involved than outpatient ones but tend to be longer. Inpatient means living at the facility while receiving treatment, which can include medication, psychotherapy, and other elements of psychiatric care. Inpatient stays can last anywhere from several weeks to several months. Outpatient therapy is just that—therapy that occurs in a clinic or office environment outside the home or work setting. Therapists will often see people for a few hours every week, although some people may see therapists a few times each week as well.

In general, a rule of thumb is that inpatient programs are more intensive, stricter, and more controlled. A degree of autonomy and personal responsibility on the client with outpatient treatment isn’t a component of inpatient treatment programs. Typically, the most appropriate treatment program will be recommended after a consultation and evaluation of the client’s circumstances, needs, and condition by a healthcare professional at the facility before the commencement of any treatment.

What is a typical day in a mental health rehab facility like?

Your life will change when you start treatment at a mental health rehab. You’ll start seeing things differently and doing things differently. While some changes may seem small, they can significantly impact your life. The most significant part is how you spend your time – it’s the number one way to progress in your mental health care. Not everyone’s days are the same in treatment as scheduling, and the patient’s specific treatment plan affects the running of the day, but there are some common aspects that you might experience in a typical day.

As you wake up each morning, the very first thing you will do is check in with your counselor. This means sharing how you feel, what you accomplished the day before, and any thoughts and feelings that may have arisen throughout the night. Your counselor will then help guide you through a structured day, including group or individual therapy sessions, one-on-one meetings with other care team members, recreational activities, and meals with other patients.

These meetings and activities are designed to be educational experiences that help you learn how to manage your symptoms more effectively. Generally, we’ve found that everyone who goes through rehab comes out with more information about their own condition and how to cope with it than they had before starting treatment.

Each day, you will go from activity to activity at a brisk pace, fueled by the innate improvement in your quality of life, control over your own mind, you feel, and the positive reinforcement of your counselors and peers. You will feel inspired to get out there, get moving and get involved with others because this is what everyone around you is doing!

Dual diagnosis: treating addiction alongside mental health

Dual diagnosis: treating

There are many misconceptions about what it means to have a dual diagnosis. Mental health issues and addiction are complicated to manage alone, but the problems become even more complex when a person suffers from both. Not only must they manage their mental illness, but they also need to find ways to deal with the consequences of their addiction. It becomes increasingly difficult to maintain their sobriety and control their mental health issues when they suffer from addiction.

Some people may mistakenly think that having two disorders means an element of choice in being addicted to drugs or alcohol. In reality, it usually means that the person is facing an uphill battle against multiple issues. When someone has both a mental illness and an addiction, they must simultaneously receive adequate treatment for both problems. It can be tempting for them to pursue sobriety first. Still, if they don’t address their mental health issues, their addiction will likely return once they’ve completed rehab or entered recovery. This is why they need to get the help they need from a dual diagnosis treatment program that treats both symptoms at once.

There are many advantages and benefits to dual diagnosis programs. Some of the more common ones are:

  • It helps prevent relapse. If a mental health disorder goes untreated, it could hurt recovery from addiction. Conversely, if a substance use disorder goes untreated, it could negatively impact recovery from a mental health disorder.
  • It offers specialized care for complex disorders. Certain disorders can make it challenging to take full advantage of traditional addiction programs and vice versa.
  • It offers specialized care for chronically relapsing patients. Some individuals with co-occurring disorders do not respond well to traditional addiction or mental health interventions, and they may require specialized care approaches to succeed in both areas.

Why choose mental health rehab in Arizona?

When you or someone you care about needs a mental health rehab facility, it’s essential to consider the many benefits of choosing a facility in Arizona. One thing that makes Arizona so unique is its incredible landscape and weather. Arizona is an immensely popular vacation destination for people from all over the world. The average annual temperature in Arizona is 60 degrees. The state also boasts beautiful mountains, gorgeous lakes and rivers, and world-renowned national parks like the Grand Canyon.

It is no wonder that every year thousands of people travel to Arizona to relax and enjoy nature. As a region known for its natural beauty and outdoor activities, choosing a residential treatment facility in Arizona can also provide a much-needed opportunity for individuals to take advantage of the natural surroundings and simply enjoy the breathtaking views throughout the region.

Immediate Placement for Mental Health Treatment

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Finally, Arizona has some of the shortest waiting periods when seeking treatment for substance abuse or mental health issues. This means that individuals whose families are concerned about their well-being will be able to get them into therapy sooner rather than later, which can be vital when considering how quickly substance abuse and mental health conditions can worsen if left unchecked.

Emerald Isle Health & Recovery has dealt with mental health rehab in Arizona for years, with scores of successful clients overcoming their struggles and taking control of their lives. Contact their dedicated Admissions staff today to learn more about mental health services and how their staff can help you achieve your own successful outcome today!