What is Outpatient Rehab

As you grow stronger and more confident in your recovery, you will be entrusted with more responsibility for your own life so an outpatient rehab will be the next step.

Your needs for care will be less intense, and as your life becomes more stable, outpatient treatment becomes your most appropriate option.

Our outpatient program will be a customized plan that that suits your individual needs.

With scalable options from partial hospitalization to regularly scheduled occasional appointments, our outpatient programs give you a large array of choices in your addiction recovery path.

During outpatient treatment, patients can access psychiatric services, medical care and psychotherapy on a scheduled basis.

These services do not offer rigid institutional support, but they allow patients to exercise flexibility and independence.

Outpatient alcohol and drug treatment asks patients to handle considerable responsibility for the management of their addictive conditions.

For this reason, it is important to consult with your treatment team about whether or not outpatient addiction treatment is right for you.

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in Outpatient Rehab

Addiction Treatment at Emerald Isle – Outpatient Rehab

What comes to mind for you when you think about addiction treatment? Do you imagine a remote facility with little access and even less adornment?

Fortunately, our treatment centers don’t look like that. In fact, most addiction recovery at Emerald Isle takes place in outpatient settings.

Therefore, it’s important to understand outpatient rehab.

What is outpatient treatment? How does outpatient rehab work? What types of outpatient treatment programs are available? Let’s take a closer look at the role of outpatient services in addiction recovery.

Outpatient Rehab - Young adults listen to their addiction counselor during their outpatient rehab for alcoholism.

What are Outpatient Rehab – Treatment Options

In outpatient treatment, a patient has scheduled visits with your treatment providers. Although they no longer have to be at the rehab center all day, the same types of treatment that you need in more acute settings are still available. You have the flexibility and convenience of tailoring these treatments to your own schedule.

Since patients in outpatient treatment require less medical and therapeutic support, outpatient treatment has lower costs than other modes of addiction recovery. While in outpatient treatment you have more independence and will experience typical daily stresses of life.

You will live at home, and possibly in environments where triggers are not avoidable. Therefore, patients with substance use disorders must make collaborative decisions with their treatment team to ensure that outpatient treatment is the best choice.

In order to ensure that you receive the appropriate level of treatment, your treatment professionals will use guidelines that have been developed by experts in addiction treatment to help you make the best decision on the level care.

The American Society of Addiction Medicine has created guidelines for people in recovery to ensure that they access the appropriate level of care for their condition.

Types of Outpatient Rehab – Treatment Programs

Partial Hospitalization Programs

The most acute level of outpatient services available are partial hospitalization programs, or PHPs. Sometimes referred to as day programs, these services allow patients to receive treatment five to seven days per week, often for five hours per day.

You maintain easy access to medical and psychiatric treatment, and meet many times per week for individual, group and family therapy. For some patients, PHP is the start of their recovery from drug or alcohol addiction.

For others, PHP is a “step down” from residential or inpatient treatment.

Intensive Outpatient Programs

Intensive outpatient programs, or IOPs are outpatient services which have similar offerings to partial hospitalization, though with a less intensive time commitment.

They are comprised of blocks of therapeutic and educational activities, consisting of 9 to 20 hours per week. At this level of care patients can live in a sober living environment or at home, depending on your level of emotional readiness.

These programs are usually available for one week to three months. While in IOP programs you may work, go to school or maintain roles within your family, the programs often take place in the evenings or on weekends.

This allows you if you need more acute medical and mental health care to maintain access to such services, but to also keep the level of autonomy you need.

How Does Outpatient Rehab Work

To determine if outpatient drug rehab is the correct option, it is important to understand how outpatient treatment works. Outpatient rehab for substance use is available on specific days for a set amount of time, and does not offer the around-the-clock, on-demand care available in inpatient treatment settings.

However, outpatient treatment can handle some levels of complexity. Even people with needs for detox can be treated in outpatient settings, provided that they have other complicating circumstances.

Experts still recommend that medical detox take place in a inpatient or residential facility when available, especially if they have previously gone through detox or treatment before. Outpatient Treatment consists of many of the same elements of care available in more acute services.

Individual, group and family therapy remain the centerpieces of treatment. Those using outpatient services still have regularly scheduled access to medical care, medication management and medication-assisted treatment.

Relapse prevention programs, mutual support therapy groups like 12 step programs and restorative activities like yoga, acupuncture in exercise are still readily available. Outpatient treatment services are the most affordable and the most independent of the available addiction treatment recovery options.

In addition to partial hospitalization, intensive outpatient treatment programs and scheduled outpatient appointments, many other elements of aftercare take place in the outpatient setting. Also known as continuing care, this treatment consists of therapy, mutual support groups and other measures for maintaining accountability and support.

Often, aftercare groups meet specifically once per week and are facilitated by a licensed therapist.

Outpatient Rehab - During group therapy young adults talk to their addiction therapist about their triggers during their outpatient rehab.

How Long Does Outpatient Rehab Last

The time frame for outpatient rehabilitation depends largely on which type of services you’ll need. Outpatient treatment can last as little as one week or as long as decades. Intensive outpatient services usually last between two weeks and three months.

Outpatient services which require at least weekly contact can last up to a year. We offer continuing care groups and alumni activities which are open to you any time. We understand that recovery is lifelong, and the needs for accountability and support never go away.

Co-occurring disorder treatment can take place in outpatient setting. Often referred to as dual diagnosis, “co-occuring disorder” refers to the coexistence of mental health conditions with substance use disorders. The mutual existence of these disorders can make it harder to achieve sobriety.

Since both of these conditions can affect the other one negatively, our programs to treat co-occurring disorders tend to be longer and have more intensity. If you are experiencing co-occurring disorders, but have achieved stability, you might be a candidate for outpatient rehab.

Though outpatient rehab services are the lowest cost addiction treatment option, for some the cost of these services can still be prohibitive. Our outpatient programs are usually covered by insurance, talk with our admissions counselors to check your insurance coverage to verify what your insurance covers.

Scholarships and grants for addiction treatment may also be available to you. Check with your local agencies for more information.

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Is Outpatient Treatment for You

If you are now at a point where you feel comfortable managing the daily rigors of recovery on your own, and have sufficient community support, outpatient treatment is likely the right choice for you.

We can help you determine your appropriate level of care needs. Our experienced staff can help you understand where your challenges might still be, and help you maximize your strengths.

Give us a call today.