Often, people experience mental difficulties that Western medicine cannot fully address. Anxiety and depression are just two of the problems that doctors sometimes find difficult to treat in their entirety. Fortunately, there are alternatives to Western medicine that often complement its efforts. Zero balancing is one of these alternatives.

In this article, we will be looking at how zero balancing can help you with your mental health, and also delve into how it can assist you with your physical health too.

Keep reading to find out more about zero balancing, and the many effective holistic practices offered at Emerald Isle Health & Recovery to help our clients achieve their recovery goals!

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What is zero balancing?

Zero balancing is a form of bodywork that uses the practitioner’s hands and skilled touch to bring balance to the body’s energy flow within and around the client. This method focuses primarily on releasing stagnant body energy, breaking up energetic blockages, and promoting the free flow of energy within the body.

Physical therapist doing zero balancing

During sessions, the practitioner will assess the client’s energy field and identify areas of imbalance in the body’s energy flow. The practitioner will then use a variety of techniques on the bones, joints and soft tissue to release stagnant energy and restore balance to the field.

These techniques may include light touch, gentle traction on the body, finger pressure, and using crystals or other objects to help guide the flow of energy. Key joints and soft tissue within the body will be targeted in this subtle but deep therapy.

The effects can be profound. Some people report feeling more grounded, centered, and connected to their bodies after a session. Others report feeling more relaxed, less stress, improved sleep, better postural alignment and inner harmony.

Zero balancing can also help to release old patterns of tension and pain in the body, and promote healing on all levels – physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual.

How was zero balancing invented?

Zero balancing was invented in the early 1970s by Dr. Fritz Frederick Smith, a chiropractor, and osteopath. Dr. Smith developed the technique while working with patients who had suffered injuries from accidents or sports.

He found that by applying pressure with skilled touch, to specific points in the deepest and densest tissues in the body, one could release tension and improve the range of motion. Dr. Smith continued to refine his technique, and in the 1980s he began teaching zero balancing to other healthcare practitioners.

What is the premise of zero balancing?

Zero balancing works based on the idea that the human body has an inherent ability to heal itself, whether on a massage table or more generally. It is considered medical and physical therapy.

By applying pressure and gentle traction to certain points on the body, practitioners can release tension and encourage the body’s natural healing process. Finger pressure and gentle, repetitive motions work at releasing unwanted stress and release held tension, even in the deepest and densest tissues.

This practice focuses primarily on treating a variety of conditions, including back pain, neck pain, headaches, and stress. Although the alleviation of symptoms of concern is the most important goal, clients have reported a ‘wonderful feeling of inner harmony and organization’ and ‘balancing helps my emotional distress,’ after undergoing treatment.

Zero balancing session outcomes – balance forces in your body

Zero balancing session outcomes

Massage and bodywork are both beneficial for many different conditions. Here is a list of just some of the ailments that zero balancing can help with.


A single zero balancing can reduce stress in someone who is overly stressed. The effects of zero balancing are even more pronounced when the patient attends multiple sessions. Most practitioners recommend a minimum of three sessions over a period of three to eight weeks.

If your problem is particularly long-standing or pronounced, you may need to have more sessions. Speak with certified zero balancers for more exact guidance about this.

Anxiety and depression

Anxiety and depression are often caused by imbalances in the energy field. Zero balancing can help to release the blockages that are causing these imbalances, and promote a more balanced state of mind.

Pain relief

Massage and bodywork can provide pain relief to relieve body aches, migraines, tension headaches, and TMJ Syndrome. The practitioner will work to release the energetic blockages that are causing or exacerbating the pain. In addition, zero balancing can help to balance forces so the body is better able to support itself and heal.

Often, a balancing session leaves a client painless and without body aches for a long time afterward.

Often, people who have mental issues also have pain which exacerbates these issues. Reducing pain can sometimes have the effect of alleviating some of these problems.


One of the most common benefits of zero balancing is improved sleep. Many people who have trouble sleeping report that they sleep more soundly and wake up feeling more rested after a session. The improved sleep quality can be particularly helpful for those who suffer from insomnia, sleep disorders, and mental issues


Fatigue is a common problem in our society, and it can be caused by a number of different factors. Zero balancing can help to reduce fatigue by releasing the energetic blockages that are contributing to it. In addition, zero balancing can help to improve the overall functioning of the body’s systems, which can lead to increased energy levels.

Someone who has had a zero balancing session leaves their treatment often feeling far less fatigue.

Digestive problems

Zero balancing can help to improve the functioning of the digestive system by releasing the energetic blockages that are contributing to digestive issues.

Immediate Placement for Treatment is Possible!

Alternatives to zero balancing

Zero balancing is not the only way that you can allow energy to flow in your body. Here are a few more ways you can do this.


Reiki is a style of energy work where the energy worker places their hands over the body of the client. Reiki does not involve any touch, which may be preferable for people who have experienced trauma.

Alternatives to zero balancing

Qi Gong

Qi Gong involves gentle movements following certain patterns. It can help energy to move around the body, creating inner harmony and removing illness from the body.

There are many different styles of Qi Gong. You should pick a style that works for you. Some styles work better for medical benefit, others are better for spiritual practice. Try out a few!

You should also try a few different teachers. The way that Qi Gong is taught dramatically affects the benefits that you receive from it.

Emerald Isle Health & Recovery for zero balancing

At Emerald Isle Health & Recovery, our clinicians and staff proudly endorse a holistic program, because we know this is the most effective way of treating addiction and trauma.

If you would like to know more about our programs, contact us today!