Recovering From the Effects of Traumatic Experiences
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At some point in your life, you have a significant chance of being exposed to a major trauma. Some people are exposed as young children. Others go through a traumatic experience as an adult. Trauma puts a heavy emotional strain on your mental health. You may soon recover from this strain. However, you may also continue to suffer from its impact. When this happens, emotional trauma can have a seriously negative effect on your daily function well-being.
With support, you can heal from the effects of emotional trauma. As a rule, this requires assistance from trained mental health experts. An effective care team will help you create a realistic plan for trauma recovery. They will also guide you as you carry out that plan and take steps toward regaining wellness.
Definition of Emotional Trauma
Before addressing the effects of emotional trauma, it helps to define this term as clearly as possible. Experts define trauma as an emotional reaction to certain events. This reaction takes a wide range of forms. Right after a traumatic event, it is common to feel a sense of shock. You are also likely to deny the reality of what just occurred. Not long afterward, you may also begin to feel other things, such as:
- An inability to focus or concentrate
- A sense of detachment from other people
- Unusual jumpiness that makes you easy to startle
- Nightmares related to what happened
- Uncontrollable memories of what happened
- Lack of an ability to relax
Events capable of producing these emotional responses include:
- Rape, sexual assault, and sexual abuse
- Physical acts of abuse or assault
- Emotional or physical neglect
- Domestic violence
- Verbal violence and other forms of emotional abuse
- Living in an area affected by gang violence or war
- Bullying
- The death of a close loved one, especially when sudden
- Floods and other disasters, whether manmade or natural
Adults are old enough to have mental defenses against trauma. These defenses usually allow you to recover from traumatic experiences on your own. However, this does not always happen. Some adults do not recover on their own. Instead, they go on to develop significant and often unpredictable problems. However, children and teenagers do not have the same defenses as adults. For this reason, they are more likely than adults to continue to suffer from emotional trauma.
Emotional Vs. Psychological Trauma
Mental health experts sometimes use different terms for the same thing. For example, some experts use the term psychological trauma instead of emotional trauma. In all practical senses, these two phrases are functionally identical.