Are You Searching for a Rehab Facility?

Mental disorders are categorically like physical ailments. Mental disorders are not a sign of weakness or lack of willpower; they are an illness that require medical treatment. Mental disorders are chronic conditions and require lifetime commitments to properly handle. Emerald Isle Health & Recovery will provide you with a safe, supportive, non-judgmental environment where you can focus on recovery.   

Essential Factors You Should Consider Before Choosing a Rehab Facility

What Are Your Specific Needs?

Substance abuse treatment can be divided into two broad categories: inpatient and outpatient. Whereas these two treatment types are not mutually exclusive, knowing the benefits and issues associated with each treatment type empowers clients with the ability to choose a therapy type that will be most effective for them.

Inpatient programs are conducted in secure medical facilities, staffed by medical professionals and security officers. Most inpatient programs have onsite care available around the clock. Another advantage of an inpatient program is that it will provide a barrier between you and the people or places that may have contributed to your substance use. A disadvantage of an inpatient program is that it will normally require you to stay at the facility for an extended period. In some cases, this may cause you to feel like you are cut off from your loved ones. 

United Healthcare recommends inpatient treatment for clients with one or more of the following factors:

  • Clients with multiple mental health disorders and/or physical ailments
  • Clients without a healthy social support network
  • Clients without a safe, stable home environment
  • Clients without stable access to safe and effective outpatient therapy

An outpatient program’s advantage is that it will allow you to stay at home with your loved ones. The disadvantage of this type of treatment program is that you may feel that you are forced to deal with the people and/or places that contributed to your substance abuse issue in the first place. This aspect of outpatient treatment can be an impediment to your progress.

United Healthcare recommends outpatient therapy for clients with one or more of the following factors:

  • Clients who are unable to commit to an extended leave of absence
  • Clients with critical commitments to family or friends
  • Clients whose home environments are safe and free of the harmful substance
  • Clients who are unable to acquire inpatient treatment

Does This Facility Offer Specialized Care?

Does This Facility Offer Specialized Care

Identifying and addressing the root causes associated with substance abuse disorder is vital to administering long-lasting care. When root causes are associated with demographic or medical issues, specialized care can be highly effective. Specialized care types include, but are not limited to:

Will My Health Insurance Cover This Facility?

If you carry United Healthcare insurance, you may wish to contact them to find out what they will and will not cover. They can be reached on their website or by simply calling to speak with someone directly. Some of their insurance policies do not have rehab coverage. However, the ones that do will work with many different United Healthcare rehab centers around the U.S. Please keep in mind that the actual coverage and care level are dependent upon the specific policy you have. Clients should also verify whether their coverage requires pre-authorization; both in-network and out-of-network providers can be subject to pre-authorization, and even in-network treatment can be denied without pre-authorization.

United Healthcare offers three types of healthcare coverage:

  • United Healthcare Choice offers no coverage at all for out-of-network providers.
  • United Healthcare Choice Plus provides lower coverage for out-of-network providers.
  • United Healthcare Options PPO offers financial incentives for clients who favor in-network providers over out-of-network providers.

United Healthcare simplifies the process of locating an in-network provider by extending its network to all fifty states. United Healthcare’s network has over 800,000 providers and facilities, increasing the chances of clients being within reasonable geographic proximity to an in-network provider. The best way to determine if a provider is in United Healthcare’s network is to ask the provider directly. Providers with websites often list the insurance health companies whose insurance they accept as well. And insurance companies – including United Healthcare – allow members to search for providers.

United Healthcare customers can usually find approved treatment centers online by simply searching for United Healthcare rehab centers. United Healthcare values helping those who are struggling with a substance use issue get the help they need. United Healthcare policies often carry options for both inpatient rehab programs, as well as outpatient programs. They may also help with other services that can help lead you towards long-term recovery. Some of the extra services they cover can include: 

United Health’s mental health department, Optum, assigns HMOs to its clients. This provides strong incentives for clients to seek in-network providers when seeking mental health services. Penalties for seeking out-of-network care can range from additional out-of-pocket costs to no coverage at all. In addition, United Healthcare’s Short Term Medical Value plan offers no coverage for substance abuse treatment. The remaining plans typically have 20% to 30% coinsurances which activate after the client meets their deductible – which ranges from $1,000 to $10,000. However, United Healthcare short-term policies have term maximums of $3,000; the client will have to pay for expenses that exceed the maximum in addition to their premiums and deductibles.

Rehabilitation facilities often have in-house financial advisors to assist clients with the admission process. In addition to generating payment plans and helping clients find community resources, these in-house financial advisors can answer many questions pertaining to health insurance coverage. Some in-house financial advisors will even contact insurance companies directly on behalf of current, former, or potential clients.

Does the Facility Support My Recovery?  

There are no concrete rules governing the length of a client’s treatment or the length of treatment that insurance companies will cover. Factors that determine the length of treatment and/or coverage include the severity of the substance abuse disorder, the substance being abused, the client’s insurance plan, the client’s financial situation, and the safety of the client’s residence.

Rehabilitation facilities are focused on their clients’ recovery, and most will gladly plan with clients to simplify the admission process. Clients are advised to call the rehabilitation facility that they are considering, especially when the facility offers complimentary assessments or consultations.

What Treatment Approach does the facility Employ?

What Treatment Approach does the facility Employ

Rehabilitation facilities employ a variety of treatment types to meet the needs of their various clients. Treatment types include, but are not limited to:

  • Cognitive behavior therapy (also known as CBT)
  • Dialectical behavior therapy (also known as DBT)
  • Trauma healing
  • Safety seeking
  • Motivational interviewing
  • Medical nutrition therapy


Emerald Isle Health and Recovery’s mission is to help its clients recover from mental disorders. We will gladly answer questions that clients and their support network may have. Please remember to check with United Healthcare for coverage since it is the most crucial part of your choice. If you cannot check with your healthcare provider for any reason, we will contact them on your behalf. Thank you for considering Emerald Isle Health & Recovery.