Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) in Phoenix is a global fellowship of people who gather regularly as a backyard group to offer mutual aid to individuals who are battling alcohol use disorder or alcoholism.

Members get together on a regular basis to share their experiences with addiction, both good and bad, and to provide support for one another. The “sponsoring” procedure in AA involves an experienced member of the group helping a newcomer through the 12-step program.

Keep reading to find out more about AA meetings in Phoenix, and why Emerald Isle Health & Recovery can prove a valuable complement to such meetings in getting sober!

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The Framework of an AA Meeting In Phoenix, AZ

For those who are struggling with alcoholism, Alcoholics Anonymous offers a community where they may share “experience, strength, and hope” with one another. All who wish to quit drinking are welcome to join under strict anonymity and without cost. The groups are different from therapy groups in that they are conducted by a person who is also in recovery.

Although AA was founded on religious principles, it no longer identifies as a religious group. Members of AA are encouraged to find their own meaning in God or spiritual power or to seek help from any source other than themselves. It may also be the program, one’s treatment team, or even scientific understanding of addiction.

Regular meeting attendance at a backyard group or church, in addition to interaction with other members, is highly recommended for a newcomer to an AA meeting. It is advised that you find a sponsor who is another individual who has been sober for at least a year. Sponsors encourage and advise participants as they work through the 12 steps.

The basic fundamentals of the 12 steps are outlined in the following list:

Basic Outline of the 12 Steps for An AA Meeting

12 Steps for An AA Meeting

  1. Admitting that you have no control over your drinking is the first step
  2. Second, believe that a greater power, in whatever shape it takes, will help you regain your sobriety
  3. Third, choose to surrender your life and will to God or some higher authority.
  4. Honestly assess your moral standing.
  5. Confess your wrongdoings to God, another person, and yourself.
  6. Assume, as the sixth step, that your flaws in character will be corrected by a higher power.
  7. As a seventh step, ask God to help you work on your flaws
  8. The eighth step is to develop a list of the individuals you’ve damaged throughout your addiction and to be ready to apologize to them.
  9. Nine, unless doing so would endanger them, make peace with those persons.
  10. The tenth step is to keep an inventory of one’s actions and to accept responsibility for mistakes one may have made.
  11. The eleventh step is to connect with a higher power via prayer and meditation.
  12. Step 12 is to share the AA meeting program and its twelve principles with other alcoholics and to incorporate those steps into your everyday life.

Historical Info and Important Notes for AA In Phoenix, AZ

In 1935, Bill Wilson and Dr. Bob Smith in Akron, Ohio, created a support group for those struggling with alcoholism and held regular meetings at a local Lutheran Church. The same tradition holds today, with meetings often held at a local Lutheran Church or other local denomination.

Alcoholism is viewed as a chronic condition that cannot be cured but may be treated, which is central to the group’s philosophy. In addition, the spiritual aspect of alcoholism treatment and recovery is emphasized.

Alcohol Statistics

In recent surveys conducted of residents of Phoenix and other cities nationwide, a total of 51.7% of respondents aged 12 and up to the 2017 National Survey on Drug Use and Health reported having at least one alcoholic beverage in the last month, with 24.5% of those drinkers having engaged in binge drinking during that time frame (5 or more drinks on one occasion for men, 4 or more drinks for women). In addition, 6.1% admitted to binge drinking within the last month (binge drinking on 5 or more days over the past 30 days).

Only 4.4% of adults (12+) struggling with alcoholism obtained treatment in 2015.

How Effective Is Alcoholics Anonymous In Phoenix, AZ?

The term “success” is too general to accurately define the program’s outlook. While some people are able to avoid relapse altogether, others experience it at some point, only to recover fully later on.

Since many of the results are reported by AA and vary depending on a number of circumstances, there is no specific success rate available. Many AA meeting members refuse to take part in research for fear of compromising the group’s secrecy. In keeping with the original aim of the organization, many Alcoholics Anonymous members want to remain anonymous. And it’s possible that people won’t come clean about relapsing.

What Makes Alcoholics Anonymous In Phoenix, AZ Different from Other Programs?

AA is unique amongst self-help organizations because of a number of factors, the most prominent of which are:

  • Acceptance of Addiction as a Long-Term Illness
  • Spiritual foundation
  • Focuses on camaraderie

What Makes Alcoholics Anonymous In Phoenix, AZ So Popular?

The advantages of Alcoholics Anonymous have been studied for decades. Attending and participating in an AA meeting has been associated with positive outcomes in several studies. Finding a sponsor, reading the literature, working the 12 steps, and providing service to other Alcoholics Anonymous members are all essential parts of the AA meeting program.

Alcoholics Anonymous has several advantages, such as:

  • Increasing your resources for sobriety maintenance
  • Increased ability to interact with others
  • Success in believing in your ability to recover
  • Cheaper than therapy

Many people have found sobriety with the support of an AA meeting. Unfortunately, pinpointing what it is about an AA meeting that is so effective is challenging. It’s possible that certain portions of the curriculum will be useful to members on a personal level. Some of the reasons for the success of Alcoholics Anonymous include:

  • Creating a deeper spiritual bond
  • Discovering yourself
  • Having more faith in your odds of staying sober
  • Meeting other people who have maintained sobriety
  • People helping people
  • Acquiring coping mechanisms and safeguards against relapse triggers

Do any other similar addiction support groups exist, except Alcoholics Anonymous in Phoenix, Arizona?

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Alternatives to AA Meetings in the Phoenix AZ Area

Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) is only one of many such groups. Twelve-step programs share common practices and guiding ideas. However, they approach the problem of addiction in various ways. Consistent characteristics among these programs include:

  • Recognizing helplessness in the face of addiction
  • Analyze your morals
  • Accepting responsibility for mistakes
  • Reparation for those wounded by your addiction
  • Making connections and providing support inside the recovery network

There are several alternatives to 12-step programs for those struggling with addiction. Examples of some of them are:

  • The Self Motivation and Responsibility Training (SMART) Recovery group helps people utilize scientific methods to get the tools they need to break free from addiction.
  • In order to get sober and lead a happier life, there is a program called Refuge Recovery that employs Buddhist principles.
  • A support group for women in recovery, Women for Sobriety focuses on issues that are specific to this demographic.
  • To that end, there is an organization called LifeRing Secular Rehabilitation that uses a positive, nonreligious approach to recovery called “Secular Recovery.”

A Brief List of AA Meetings in Phoenix AZ


If you’re looking for resources to help you in your post-treatment efforts, consider the following meeting locations for AA in Phoenix. Searching online you’ll find a more comprehensive directory, complete with info regarding different speaker meeting events and other special meetings. An AA speaker is usually a special guest of some type that speaks regarding a sober life and how Alcoholics Anonymous allowed them to achieve sobriety.

11TH STEP MEDITATION Alcoholics Anonymous


1407 N. 2ND ST, Phoenix, Arizona, 85004

Saturdays at 7:30 AM

11TH STEP MEDITATION MTG. Alcoholics Anonymous


1407 N. 2ND ST, Phoenix, Arizona, 85004

 Mondays at 7:00 PM

12 AND 12 Alcoholics Anonymous


2740 W. WINDROSE DR, Phoenix, Arizona, 85029

Mondays at 6:00 PM

12 AND 12 STEP STUDY Alcoholics Anonymous

THE SOLUTION Desert Church

4210 N. LONGVIEW AVE, Phoenix, Arizona, 85014

Saturdays at 6:00 PM

12 STEPS TO FREEDOM Alcoholics Anonymous


2740 W. WINDROSE DR, Phoenix, Arizona, 85029

Sundays at 4:00 PM

Amongst the many available self-help groups for addicts, Alcoholics Anonymous in Phoenix, Arizona has the largest membership. Additional 12-step programs, such as Narcotics Anonymous (NA), are also accessible. Groups based on the Twelve Steps have the same perspective on addiction and stress the value of mutual aid. Addiction is seen and addressed differently by a number of different organizations.

Other 12-step fellowships include:

NA (Narcotics) Anonymous

NA Anonymous Cocaine

Crystal Meth Anonymous

Gamers Anonymous

Over Eaters Anonymous

And others!

When Inpatient Rehab Is Called For

Inpatient Rehab

Clearly, there’s help available for a range of conditions beyond Alcoholics Anonymous in Phoenix, Arizona. However, it’s the program at the center of these types of treatment that makes them a favorite among participants in the Phoenix, Arizona, area. In certain instances, a more personalized and intense approach to recovery must be available to help those in need.

Immediate Placement for Alcohol and Drug Support

Help Beyond Alcoholics Anonymous In Phoenix, Arizona

At Emerald Isle Health and Recovery, we’re well versed in the effectiveness of programs like Alcoholics Anonymous. However, when more professional help is required, we’re available with a wide variety of different treatment options, including inpatient, outpatient, and more.

There are multiple types of behavioral health options as part of our alcohol and substance abuse treatment – and deciding which is more appropriate for each client happens during the intake process. This is where the groundwork is laid for crafting each individual treatment plan at our Phoenix center for recovery.

We also ensure continued success by providing resources for aftercare programs like AA meetings in Phoenix, Arizona. For more information on how we can help you achieve long-term recovery, contact a member of our admissions team today.