Addiction Treatment,
Alcohol Addiction,
Alcohol Rehab,
Ativan Addiction,
College Substance Use,
Drug Abuse,
Drug Rehab,
Holiday Stress,
Mental Health,
Meth Addiction,
Painkiller Addiction,
Polysubstance Addiction,
Xanax Abuse
August 10, 2022 at 2:57 PM
Emerald Isle Health and Recovery
Stress is an unavoidable part of daily life, and while it can be a positive motivator in some cases, it also takes a toll on our bodies in many ways. A constant state of stress can lead to high blood pressure and heart disease, weakens the immune system, causes stomach problems and headaches, leads to…
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November 25, 2020 at 9:34 AM
Emerald Isle Health and Recovery
Avoiding the Temptation that the Holidays Bring Table of Contents Avoiding the Temptation that the Holidays Bring Plan Ahead Remember to H.A.L.T Have Your Props Ready Avoid Known Triggers Focus on People, Not Drinking Find New Ways to Celebrate Do Not Let Holiday Parties Derail Your Sobriety For most people, the holidays are a…
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March 11, 2021 at 7:20 AM
Emerald Isle Health and Recovery
Holiday Triggers are Normal Table of Contents Holiday Triggers are Normal Everyone’s Path is Unique, No Need for FOMO Clarity Goes a Long Way I’ve spent many a St. Patrick’s Day out of my mind drunk. I’ve embarrassed myself every year in one way or another due to my drinking. Sobriety is not normally…
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June 1, 2021 at 2:10 AM
Emerald Isle Health and Recovery
The Role of Emotional Health and Well-Being Table of Contents The Role of Emotional Health and Well-Being What Is Emotional Well-Being / Emotional Health? Known Benefits of Sound Emotional Health How is Emotional Well-Being Measured What Determines Your Level of Emotional Wellness Can You Change Your State of Emotional Well-Being Keep Your Stress Levels Under…
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September 10, 2021 at 8:29 PM
Emerald Isle Health and Recovery
Remember the holidays when you were a child? Before the thought of a sober holidays was even a figment in your mind. With Labor Day coming up fast to mark the start of the holiday season, there’s not time like the present to brush up on your approach to sober holidays this year. No matter…
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December 24, 2021 at 2:59 PM
Emerald Isle Health and Recovery
Recovery is a constant learning process. You learn a lot from the people you meet and listen to in meetings. You learn a lot about yourself. I’ve learned more about myself through the program at Emerald Isle Health and Recovery than I have at any other point in my life. The power of reflection cannot…
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January 4, 2022 at 3:57 PM
Emerald Isle Health and Recovery
Coping With Post-Holiday Depression Table of Contents Coping With Post-Holiday Depression Are the Post-Holiday Blues Real What Causes the Post-Holiday Blues What About Diet and a Post-Christmas Sugar Crash Depression and Seasonal Affective Disorder Stress and Relief Around the Holidays Tips for Beating the Post-Holiday Blues Going Gently Into New Year’s Resolutions Learn More About…
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January 11, 2022 at 4:11 PM
Emerald Isle Health and Recovery
Coping With The Effects of SAD Table of Contents Coping With The Effects of SAD What Is Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD) Causes of Seasonal Affective Disorder Symptoms and Signs of SADs When to Seek Professional Help The Importance of Seasonal Affective Disorder Self-Care Tips for Self-Care of SADs Make Sure to Schedule Time for Self-Care…
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July 18, 2022 at 7:34 PM
Emerald Isle Health and Recovery
What is a mental health crisis? Table of Contents What is a mental health crisis? What is the difference between a crisis vs a mental health emergency? How can I tell if I am in a crisis with mental health? What are the warning signs of a mental health crisis? What causes a mental health…
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November 29, 2022 at 9:41 AM
Emerald Isle Health and Recovery
After someone has experienced significant trauma, usually the only way of coming out of it is by doing trauma work. A successful form of treatment is known as intensive trauma therapy. If you are suffering from trauma, Emerald Isle offers a full array of therapy methods that can help with healing. Intensive trauma therapy programs…
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Addiction Aftercare,
Addiction Recovery,
Addiction Treatment,
Alcohol Addiction,
Alcohol Rehab,
Drug Abuse,
Drug Rehab,
Holiday Stress,
Mental Health,
Polysubstance Addiction,
August 18, 2022 at 3:00 PM
Emerald Isle Health and Recovery
Euphoric recall, what is it exactly? Table of Contents Euphoric recall, what is it exactly? Euphoric recall and its rose-colored glasses Does euphoric recall have an impact on addiction? Euphoric recall and its influence on addiction recovery The experience of the addict with euphoric recall Find Real Hope for Lasting Recovery at Emerald Isle Euphoric…
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September 5, 2022 at 9:15 PM
Emerald Isle Health and Recovery
During mentally and physically traumatic events, the brain often uses some form of defense mechanism to avoid long-term damage from the trauma. For example, let’s say you were being beaten severely or tortured. The mind can’t fathom this situation, so it’s unable to process what’s going on at the moment. When this happens, the individual…
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September 28, 2022 at 9:30 AM
Emerald Isle Health and Recovery
Sometimes the past doesn’t remain in the past. It may come as a shock to someone who suffered childhood trauma to find that the traumatic issues they faced as a kid persists in adulthood. It’s natural to be concerned that your past traumatic experiences will have a negative impact on your present well-being, relationships, and…
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October 5, 2022 at 12:42 PM
Emerald Isle Health and Recovery
What is trauma bonding? Table of Contents What is trauma bonding? How do trauma bonds begin? How to get out of an emotionally abusive relationship What kind of people are vulnerable to trauma bonds? What type of trauma leads to a trauma bond? How to recover from an abusive relationship Trauma bonding and Stockholm syndrome…
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October 13, 2022 at 12:54 PM
Emerald Isle Health and Recovery
Why Test for Childhood Trauma? Table of Contents Why Test for Childhood Trauma? What is an ACE? ACE childhood trauma test What tests can be done for ACEs? How to reduce the mental illness impact of ACEs The CDC-Kaiser ACE study ACEs and addiction ACEs and mental health How childhood sexual abuse can affect adults…
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October 19, 2022 at 1:06 PM
Emerald Isle Health and Recovery
What is trauma? Table of Contents What is trauma? Signs of repressed childhood trauma in adults Anxiety disorders Depression Dissociative Episodes Low self-esteem Anger Hypervigilance What can cause childhood trauma? Forms of Abuse Neglect as a Child Treatments for Unresolved childhood trauma Childhood trauma: You’re not alone Treat repressed childhood trauma at Emerald Isle When…
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October 27, 2022 at 9:30 AM
Emerald Isle Health and Recovery
Helpful Approaches to Dealing with Trauma Table of Contents Helpful Approaches to Dealing with Trauma What is the Safe and Sound Protocol? What does the sound protocol (SSP) involve? SSP and social engagement systems Polyvagal theory and the autonomic nervous system Changing Stress Responses Triggered by Trauma What is the vagus nerve? What is the…
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November 22, 2022 at 2:39 PM
Emerald Isle Health and Recovery
Many people who are still in addiction or newly sober have problems with character defects. They manipulate, they obsess, and they get angry inappropriately. These defects can cause serious problems for this person and the people around them. You might be familiar with some of the symptoms from your own experiences. You may even know…
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